The Alien Agenda

People are asking if extraterrestrials or aliens do really exist, what is their ultimate agenda? Why are they visiting planet Earth? Why are they here? My personal belief about this, ETs are here to help humans awaken from a way of life focused in the material desire to a more spiritual lifestyle such as meditation,…

Roswell, proof of alien visitations

I just want to share an article written by Hal Mckenzie appeared in cosmic about the Roswell crash. I do believe that the incident in New Mexico in 1947 is only the tip of the iceberg and it is a proof of alien visitations on planet Earth. By now Roswell, N.M., site of a…

ET Commander appeals to Reagan in 1983

Whether we believe it or not, there3 was a letter sent to Former US President Ronald Reagan from an Extra-Terrestrial Commander, who identified himself as Hilarion. The following letter, all in rhymes, was telepathically dictated to Marge Ludeman, now deceased. She received more than 500 typed pages of such rhymes, over the many years she…


n the field of UFO research, an individual must have a bible of facts about flying objects. These would serve as a guidebook to label any sighted object – whether it is terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in origin. Artificial and Natural IFOsTo identify a flying object or any sky anomalies, we must have a guide for…


In the history of UFOlogy, the most influential figure in classifying UFO sightings was Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek. A professor of astronomy at NorthWestern University, Dr. Hynek gave UFOlogy intellectual respectability by recognizing that sighting reports were its principal source of data. Hynek divided accounts into two types: those where the witnesses was more than…

King Nosoh of Mercury

Except to your noble idea, there’s a pleasure from within, eventhought there’s some of labors with your effort to accomplish. Bothering of something to be called for but nothing could be blame for. — King Nosoh of Mercury

Mexico UFOs: Proof of alien presence

Many are still wondering what are these “unidentified flying objects” filmed by Mexican air Force pilots in the skies over southern Campeche state. Were they really extraterrestrial craft? Would these could prove that aliens do exist in our very own planet – Earth? I would answer these questions that there is a very high probability…

Queen Dalyr of Pluto

Kindness in your heart, now leading in your way. Truthfulness in your mind following the idea they could never find. Meaningless they could say but nothing wrong could ever find. — Queen Dalyr of Pluto