Creatures of Halloween, Are They Real?

I was asked by many people if creatures of the Halloween are real? I said it depends how would you believe it, but through research I found out that none of these creatures of the night are proved to be true. The Paranormal Phenomena. com reported that these creatures are not proven to be existed…

Dr. Richard Boylan, Las Vegas, Nevada

How does a psychologist begin to talk about contact by extraterrestrials? As I write this (February, 1993), I am still strongly influenced by the popular culture’s carefully sculpted attitude of scoffing at extraterrestrial contact. And, of course, I have my professional position to think about. Then, too, the disclosure work I have done on covert…

Ramon Alvarado (El Tocuyo, Venezuela)

During 1977 to 1979, before moving from Venezuela to Puerto Rico,Senor Ramon Rosa Alvarado had a series of unique experiences as anobserver in a local Venezuelan UFO Group which was being contactedby UFOnauts who told the local contactee there that they came fromthe PLEIADES. At that time Alvarado and his wife were living near Giudad…

Want Proof about Aliens?

Do you want to see what an alien is? Is Roswell crash real? Are aliens here? Questions that might be answered in a place where all issues, questions and hypothesis about aliens are featured. A report by El Paso Times in Mexico said the Roswell Exhibit now on display through the Halloween would show the…

Enriqe Castillo Rincon (Bogota, Colombia)

Colombian story is briefly as follows:Engineer, D. Enrique Castillo Rincon, president of the InstitutoColombiano de Investigaciones de Fenomenos Ex-traterrestres,conferee and delegate to the Unidentified Flying ObjectsInvestigative Organization, with home and offices in Bogota, gotoff the bus more than 150 kilometers from the capital. It was about20:00 in the evening of Saturday, 3 November 1973. This…

The Mystery of Crop Circles

There are many theories behind the mystery of Crop Circles. The question we have in mind is what are these unusual geometric and forms appeared in the wheat and corn field mostly in the US and Europe? Theories behind this phenomenon vary from highly scientific to completely bizarre hypothesis. There are witnesses say crop circles…

Time Travel, Is It Possible?

For Israeli Physicist Amos Ori of Technion-the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, time travel is plausible. In fact, he configured space and time according to the Laws of Nature, that’s why his theory is not of building the time machine but making a warp of time that man can travel thru time. Popular Science…

Please Help Me In This Mission

I am putting up a private research group consists of gifted individuals with kindred hearts to investigate any paranormal activity such as UFO sightings, Ghosts manifestations, and ET encounters, but I can’t do this without your help. You can share your blessings to us thru donations for this project, In return we will post here…

Alien Entity Caught in Video

In a report published by INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology-October 5, 2005, an alien entity was caught by a video camera. The paper said Mr. Arturo Calcaneo Zapata has informed Prof. Ana Luisa Cid that the watchmen of a thermoelectrical power station in Altamira, Tamaulipas managed to capture an alleged alien entity on videotape, employing…

The Alien Language

My ET contacts revealed the language of the extraterrestrials. Though they are communicating mentally, they have language to conceal each others agenda. RRA-ZEELanguage used by pure breed of reptilian ETs CZA-KMAAHLanguage used by pure breed of avian ETs OPPHYXXLanguage used by pure breed Greys IMMANUELLET Ang Zo official language RAH-MEEKNot an ET language but used…