Is Agartha, Physical or Etheric Realm?

This Mystical City can only be found inside Earth and proven by personal experiences of Retired US Navy Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, who flew to the North Pole and saw this beautiful place beyond icebergs and snow. Admiral Byrd’s accounts were recorded on his diary when he flew to the North Pole in 1947. “This…

Revelations of GALACTIC Federation

It’s really hard to believe they exist but they’re really here to help humanity and save our planet – Earth. I was really surprised that these beings from other galaxies and star system connected with me via channeling and telepathy. They have very strong message to humans about awakening and ascension to higher dimensions. Galactic…

PLEIADIANs Are Here, Are You Aware?

Interdimensional Beings or those we usually call ‘alien beings’ or ‘extraterrestrials’ are already on/in this planet since the beginning of time. There are numerous UFO Sightings and ET encounters around the globe to support such claims that these beings are living among us on Earth. February 26, 2024, I was driving along Buendia from Pasay…

SOLAR STORM, It’s Effects to Planet Earth and Man

There are floods, earthquakes, some glitches we experience on this planet, some believe these could be the effects of solar storm. In fact, Sun has 3-4 CMEs or Coronal Mass Ejections that could hit Earth on November 30-December 1. Effects of these CMEs will be experienced during that days or so. According to GEOMAGNETIC STORM…


Hungry Ghost Month is here again! It is being observed from August 16 to September 14, 2023 It is believed that during this period, hungry ghosts roam freely to look for appeasement – food, lighted candles & incense, wines, enjoyable music etc. Other ghosts look for trouble that brings bad luck to the living. There…

Tour in Singapore’s Cycling Paradise and City Streets

It was memorable experience – cycling at world’s ‘finest city’ Singapore. If Singapore can create a cycling paradise, why can’t other countries like Philippines can do the same? Singapore is known as one of the richest city states in the world, but it is also known as front liner in promoting healthy environment both for…

Back to Bike-To-Work

Yes! Let’s go back to bike to work after a month of Ghost Month and some unforeseen events in the past few weeks. Now I encourage everyone to do the same. It’s not only for the benefits oif ourselves saving our money from ballooning oil prices but the most important is how we can contribute…

Balik-Cycling Tayo!

Nagbalik-Eskuwela ang mga bata sa mga eskuwelahan after 2-years of Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns and very limited movements. I am back! Balik-bisikleta naman tayo mga kapadyak! After a month of almost no cycling activities due to some dangers, effects of ghost month, le’t get back on the road for cycling. For now, I have 2 mountain…

Not Too Late to Ride-A-Bike

Cycling could change the world. Why? Can you mention some of the benefits and advantages if most people are engage in cycling? Cycling not only for daily commuting, workout, leisure but there is a growing collective awareness that bikes can save our ailing planet – Earth. Now cycling world offers a variety of bicycles based…

Are You Afraid of Ghost Month

Nope! You should not be afraid of Ghost Month but always remember to be cautious on whatever decision or action you make. Hungry Ghost Month in 2022 starts July 29 to August 26, based on the Chinese lunar calendar. The peak of this tradition is on August 12, they call it Hungry Ghost Festival. Most…