Not Too Late to Ride-A-Bike

Cycling could change the world. Why? Can you mention some of the benefits and advantages if most people are engage in cycling? Cycling not only for daily commuting, workout, leisure but there is a growing collective awareness that bikes can save our ailing planet – Earth.

Now cycling world offers a variety of bicycles based on your lifestyle and purpose of riding bikes. Prices of bikes ranges from as low as P6,000 to as high as P200,000 depending on your budget availability and taste (of course, pricey bikes are mostly for well-off people).

But if you ask me what good bikes you should get for your cycling activities, I would suggest you get the not so expensive but not so cheap bikes. You can get bikes between P15,000 and P40,000.

For daily commuting of an average person (students, daily earners) who want a descent bike, you can get between P6,000 to P14,000. You can try some offers like ‘ride now, pay later’ plans of some on-line and in-store markets.

WATCH my vlog when I visited the Philippine Bike Demo and Expo, to give you some inputs on what brand of bikes you can buy. Some popular brands are expensive though there are some models that are affordable.