Bush renews order to keep mum on Area 51 operations

The U.S. government under Bush administration has renewed an exemption allowing the Air Force to keep silent about top-secret operations of Area 51 in Southern Nevada. In a report by Associated Press dated September 19 2003, Bush’s memorandum said it was of “paramount interest” to exempt the Groom Lake base about 90 miles north of…

ET Commander appeals to Reagan in 1983

Whether we believe it or not, there3 was a letter sent to Former US President Ronald Reagan from an Extra-Terrestrial Commander, who identified himself as Hilarion. The following letter, all in rhymes, was telepathically dictated to Marge Ludeman, now deceased. She received more than 500 typed pages of such rhymes, over the many years she…

Queen Lessy of Neptune

Success. You can reach success through your effort to face and to overcome hardships; and being accountable of what you’re doing, is a kind of success, with your heart and soul, your life wins to succeed.

Queen Afhele of Neptune

Inspiration. Most of the time love could never leave you, in your heart it’s an inspiration; one thing that you could never forget, and your heart won’t really regret. Even though your heart’s lack of inspiration.

King Nosoh of Mercury

Breaking Rules. More often but too far one of a million; never too close. The untold story just memorize the facts of all time; like an idiot thinking…poor habit of knowing. – The rules of breaking.