Pinay reveals she was an alien abductee

There are numerous documented testimonies about alien contacts and abductions. Among them is a Filipina who revealed herself and claimed she was being abducted by aliens or extra-terrestrials. She is Nida Reyes of Mandaluyong City. Her unforgettable experience about alien abduction happened sometime in 1999. She had dreams about creatures in human form descending from…

Pinay reveals she was an alien abductee

There are numerous documented testimonies about alien contacts and abductions. Among them is a Filipina who revealed herself and claimed she was being abducted by aliens or extra-terrestrials. She is Nida Reyes of Mandaluyong City. Her unforgettable experience about alien abduction happened sometime in 1999. She had dreams about creatures in human form descending from…

Microsoft co-founder funds ET quest

Man is truly gearing up to make an Extra-Terrestrial contact the soonest possible time with a funding from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, one of the richest men on Earth. Allen pledged to donate $US13.5 million ($17.99 million) for research into extra-terrestrial life. Thomas Pierson, director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) said “with…

The First Alien Abduction

We can’t deny an increasing number of individuals around the globe, who have had experienced of being abducted by aliens or extra-terrestrials (ETs). Abductions could happen in dream-like scenario, and in rare cases, it could occur in the physical. The first recorded alien abduction case in the world history was the Betty Hill story. The…

Possible ET contact in 2005

Although many alien believers had declared they made their contacts with the extraterrestrials, scientists are now geared to make their own contact with the alien beings. Human beings could make a contact with aliens or extraterrestrials by the year 2005, as predicted by two American astronomers – Seth Shostak and Alexandra Barnett in their book,…

The Aliens (ETs) Are Among Us

My Belief. It is my opinion that Extra-Terrestrials are here on this planet. I am posting this article not to convince anyone about the reality of ETs but to share my ideas about their existence based on real life encounters of people. Are ETs real? This was the very first question I had in mind…

The Star of Bethlehem: The Paranormal Perspective

Paranormal experts are now trying to interpret the Star of Bethlehem. Was it a miracle or an extraordinary astronomical event? For Christians around the globe, the Star of Bethlehem is one of the greatest symbols of the Christmas season, but its true nature has also been the focus of controversy and debate. The Gospel According…

Roswell UFO Crash, The Second Incident

Many among us would think that UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was the first in the Earth’s history. That might be the second incident after a person named Charlette Mann revealed her knowledge about a crash – complete with debris and alien bodies – that have taken place in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941.…