Is this an Extraterrestrial Message?

ET Contact? Extraterrestrials are not insensitive because they themselves are consistent with their attempt to send us their replies to our queries. Scientists say we didn’t receive any message from outer space though we are bombarded with many coded messages as we see them with our own eyes. We don’t need to be very telepathic…

Strange Flying Creatures in Agta Cave, Cebu

A group of mountaineers with local tourist guides encountered strange flying creatures locally known as rods while others call them as flying snakes or skyfish. These creatures were also spotted in the mountain areas of Mexico, Japan and Europe. The mountaineers described them as they have appendages along their torsos that reportedly flap in a…

Ghosts Voices in Songs

Two different songs with EVPs have been shared to me. The owner said the songs were transferred via bluetooth from a phone with mp3 player to another phone. The songs played ok meaning no sound distortions done by EVPs with the source but when listened with the other phone-mp3 player, the EVPs were into them.…

Ghosts Appear in a Photo

Taken inside one of the buildings of Centro Escolar University – Mendiola Campus, Manila. The school was said to be haunted by souls of dead people trapped in this reality of existence. The student narrated her story of the ghost encounter. “Last Saturday (March 1, 2008), our classmates and I were in a classroom in…

EDSA Omen: Messages from Beyond

Bad or good omen? Whatever it is? Definitely, the unusual “snafu” in the 22nd Anniversary of 1986 EDSA People Power 1 last February 25, 2008 could be messages from beyond. Messages to all Filipinos about the present political crisis in the country. It could be the worst case scenario to come if the crisis is…

Sigbins Attack Goats and Poultry in Capiz

Local residents of RoxasCity, Capiz were alarmed of alleged rising incidents of unexplained killings of domestic animals such as goats and chickens. The culprit of these killings are those crypto-animals commonly known as chupacabras. Chupacabras were seen in many places inPuerto Rico,Mexicoand other places inLatin Americaand said to be behind the killings (by blood sucking)…

Dwarves Appear in Photo

This photo was shared to me by a friend after she noticed something like an elf-like image appeared beside her right ear. When I examined the picture, i saw not only one elf-like image but two – a male and a female. They seemed to be embracing each other. Technical people especially those in the…

The First Hypersonic Craft Developed

>Welcome to the Hypersonic Age! Man has developed a hypersonic jet known as “scramjet” – supersonic combustion ramjet that could reach a maximum speed of Mach 15 – nearly 10, 000 miles per hour. This could mean two-hour flights from New York to Sydney. It could also mean missiles capable of hitting targets on another…

Haunted Places in the Philippines

> Philippines has many haunted places where ghosts and paranormal activities manifest. A place is considered to be haunted when the presence of spirits such as ghosts of dead people is at a very high level. Meaning they could always manifest anytime of the day – day and night times. The hauntings could be the…

The First Image of Santa Claus

The first illustration appeared in the January 3, 1863 edition of Harper’s Weekly, and shows Santa Claus visiting a Civil War Camp. In the background of the illustration, a sign can be seen that reads “Welcome Santa Claus.” The illustration shows Santa handing out gifts to children and soldiers. One soldier receives a new pair of socks, which would no doubt be one of the most wonderful things a soldier of the time could receive.