Do Heaven & Hell Exist?

I was frequently asked if there is really Heaven and hell? I always answer that question, “it depends on how you believe heaven and hell exist”. For me it all depends on the individuals’ consciousness. But if you ask me personally, I can answer the questions…YES! But before sharing my personal experience on this, let’s discuss first those written in History by renowned authors and researchers.

Let’s start with the Levels of Heaven. Some psychics and spiritualists I’ve met claimed Heaven has 7 levels equal to the 7 levels of Hell. Others said, there are also 7 levels from Light to Darkness. I presumed they’re trying to tell us here, the astral realm of existence.

Based on the Holy Bible, there are 6 levels of hell while Italian poet Dante Alighieri in his ‘Inferno’, the first part of three-part epic poem “The Divine Comedy”, he mentioned 9 levels of hell.

Dante’s 9 Circles of Hell are as follows:

Hell of Limbo: The common destination of the departed souls This level is also called the ‘retirement community of the afterlife’. Souls are normally moved here before going up to heaven or going down to hellish levels.

Hell of Lust: The destination of souls who live in lust and adultery in the material world. Rapists, and other sex criminals are qualified to enter this level of hell.

Hell of Gluttony: The level for souls who loved to eat and unstoppable for eating. Even if they don’t feel hungry, they want to eat as much as they want. This include uncontrolled drinking to satisfy their desire to be in the limelight in their social life.

Hell of Greed: This place in hell is for the souls who lived in greediness who love money and all the riches of the world. Souls of the corrupt are very much welcome in this hell.

Hell of Anger: This level is for the souls of people who lived in anger in their entire life. These souls spend eternity waging battle on this hell.

Hell of Heresy: This hell is for the heretics as labeled by traditional religions or orthodox religious doctrine especially Christianity.

Hell of Violence: This hell speaks for itself – violence, chaos and anarchy. So this place in hell is reserved for murderers and thugs. It is also believed that this hell is place for blasphemers and even suicide victims.

Hell of Fraud: This hell is for those con artists, who thinks of doing tricks and frauds for material gains.

Hell of Treachery: This hell is exclusive for traitors, whatever method of treachery or lies.

The New Testament of the Holy Bible mentioned 6 Levels of Hell according to it’s verses:

Hell of Physical agony, mental suffering, loneliness and emotional sorrow or it is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (Jude 6; Matt 8:12; Matt 13:42, 50; Matt 25:30)

Hell of insecurity and fear or the bottomless pit or abyss (Revelation 20:01)

Hell of Instability or Lake of Fire (Matthew 5:21-23; Revelation 20:15)

Hell of Darkness or Pitch black of hell (2 Peter 3:5)

Hell of Dissatisfaction or a Fiery Furnace (Matthew. 5:22; Matt 13:42 and 50; Matt 18:8-9; Matt 25:41; Mark 9:43, 47-48)

Hell of Eternal Separation from God (Matthew 7:23; Matt 10:27-29)

NOW let’s GO to HEAVEN…we heard about Seventh Heaven which everyone may experience as taught by several religions. It is a place where the MOST DIVINE the PERFECT beings reside. It is believed that GOD or the Creator exist in this Heavenly level.

Some religious teachings say there are 7 levels of Heaven including Earth as the lowest higher world (though some researchers consider Earth level as the purgatory). Others say there are 3 Heavenly levels. The number of levels of Heaven are always debatable same as the levels of Hell.

In Western Religions, the 7 Heavenly levels are named after the 7 Archangels;

1st Heaven: Gabriel – Home of Adam and Eve, a place of wind, water and clouds.

2nd Heaven: Raphael – Home of the Fallen Angels and other less desirable entities.

3rd Heaven: Anael – Home of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life

4th Heaven: Michael – Home of the Heavenly City of Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden.

5th Heaven: Samael – Home of 2 million other angels, beings called Grigori or Watchers.

6th Heaven: Sachiel – Home of 2 million other angels who protect Kings from Enemies.

7th Heaven: Cassiel – Home of God’s Throne & Highest of Angelic Heirarchy

In other belief system, there are 9 Levels of Heaven and Hell, both are labelled as Movement, Emotion and Intellect, each group into 3 major levels. In Heaven, the 3 major levels are Beings, Purificacion and Wisdom while in Hell the 3 major levels are Power, Desire and Materiality.

Personally, I prefer to call these levels as Heavenly and Hellish Dimensions based on the person’s consciousness. If an individual believes how Heaven & Hell looks like, then so be it the Universe will give you that reality. I would also agree to the notion that the existence of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell will depend on the individual’s experiences both in the physical and spiritual planes.

During my astral travels, my spirit guides showed me some levels of hell and the Heaven. In the hellish dimensions, i felt isolated and scared while in Heaven, I felt peace and love. #


9 Spheres of Heaven(Dante’s Paradiso)

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