People are wondering what really this celestial body called Elenin is.
NASA told us that Comet Elenin doesn’t pose any threat to planet Earth. Well, most people are not convinced about this, there are suspicions that NASA is hiding the truth about Elenin.
Recently, it is reported that Elenin was hit by a mysterious explosion in space, splits up Elenin into two and changes its course. That’s it, but it seems updates about Elenin from NASA is not available anymore from their site.
Now, to give our fellow humans about the basic information of Comet Elenin, here’s a site about it.
Whatever we think about comet Elenin whether it is still on it’s course or it disappears in space after the alleged explosion, it is still a must that we should think positive about this stuff.
It is better to pray and do the meditation everyday and visualize a better life beyond all these cosmic event including the anticipated transformation on 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar.
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