People are asking if extraterrestrials or aliens do really exist, what is their ultimate agenda? Why are they visiting planet Earth? Why are they here?
My personal belief about this, ETs are here to help humans awaken from a way of life focused in the material desire to a more spiritual lifestyle such as meditation, astral projection, etc.
But there are alien researchers and UFO investigators suggest other agendas based on many encounters reported around the globe.
Chris Agustin of Aliens the said aliens and their contact with the human race and life on planet earth can be traced back as far as written history goes.
He said that there is evidence in every culture around the world, including those lost millennia ago. Agustin mentioned three possible agendas of aliens’presence.
1. They want to take over the planet and steal our resources.
2. They are explorers and observing us like a scientist studies an experiment from afar.
3. They want to show the human race that they are not alone in the universe, but due to our hostile nature, they have decided to slowly manipulate our species so that we will be more open to their existence.
The first possibility would happen because according to some channelers and ET contacts, there was previous plan to invade Earth by reptilian type of aliens, although this didn’t materialize due to interventions of other alien species.
But the threat is still there, although some believe that the invasion was discreetly executed meaning they did it not on the material plane but in the astral plane.
The second possibility was based on some encounters where witnesses saw aliens collecting samples from the planet’s environment.
Abductees also confessed that they themselves where taken into some scientific examinations by aliens thoroughly studied their physical bodies while others were given some implants inside their bodies.
According to Agustin, the third possibility for him is the most plausible given the data that has been collected.
He cited that in the past, aliens’ existence almost became common knowledge, due to mistakes on their part and some of our own.
“When a ufo crashed outside Roswell, and was recovered by the military, their presence in our lives was broadcast around the world, only to be covered up the very next day by our government,” Agustin added.
It was clear that our rulers didn’t want us to find out the truth about our presence in the universe and of alien life, so they thought it better to collaborate with the visitors, gain technology, and keep their existence a secret.
This plan has worked for most of our past, except for the fact that the aliens have their own agenda, are seeking acceptance in our culture. The human race is being changed, slowly, even if it is one person at a time.
People are being abducted, tested, and altered genetically to allow for other portions of their brains, which control esp, telepathy, etc; to become active. In doing so, the human species will be able to interact on a new higher level of consciousness, see the futile practices of worshipping gods and fighting wars.
Along with direct manipulation of the human species, hybrids, crosses of aliens and humans are being made, so that they will be able to live amongst us without our knowing.
If the aliens were hostile, and wanted our planet for its resources, they would have taken it away from us centuries ago when we still thought the earth was the center of the universe, not now when we have nuclear weapons, lasers, and space crafts of our own.