Many Alien/UFO investigators believe that extra-terrestrials are preparing human beings to accept the existence of our celestial neighbors.
One way to prepare us is by interfering with the human evolutionary process especially our progressing technology such as our nuclear capability.
Investigator Robert Hastings said UFOs(aliens) are showing a keen interest in our nuclear weapons facilities. Hastings has spent countless hours analyzing documents dealing with UFO sightings at nuclear missile launch sites and research labs in the United States over the past several decades.
“You have reference to these objects hovering, racing away at blinding speed,” he told Idaho 2 News.
“There is no evidence we have an aircraft that can do that or anyone else on earth.” Hastings, who has devoted countless hours researching UFOs and the U.S. government’s reaction to them, was in Boise for a lecture and slide show Monday at Boise State University.
Hastings believes we are being visited by aliens who have mastered a faster than light form of space flight. And he speculates they have not openly revealed themselves to avoid public panic.
“What they’re doing is engaging in a decades long psychological preparation process whereby slowly but surely people on earth understand this is real, they’re here,” he said.
Hastings believes three UFOs with aliens on board did crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and points to a 1950 memo to FBI Director J Edgar Hoover saying three so-called flying saucers had been recovered “each one occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall. “
And he says the spectacular UFO sighting earlier last year off the Yucatan Peninsula were the real deal. But Hastings is not a believer in the theory aliens and earthlings are working together at Area 51, the top secret base in the Nevada desert, as some suggest.
Scientist Robert “Bob” Lazar earlier maintained that he witnessed human and alien interaction and working together in a secret base near Area 51. It is also called S4 wherein he saw flying saucers parked in the said secret facility.
Until now, people are always asking if ETs really exist, where are the evidences? Of course there were reports about the Roswell Crash, UFO sightings etc but still man need more proof – the physical evidence.