Visions Are Not Accurate, Unless We Allow Them

Visions or foreseen events can’t be accurate unless they happened exactly as seen by the soothsayers.

This is the reason why I always tell people who claim they have seen visions, “to be responsible” in disseminating whatever details or information they’ve seen such events.

How these visions can be seen by seers?

Most people could see them in dreams, though what have seen in dreams are not (all the time) literally correct (accurate), because in dreams, most interpretations are symbolic.

Scientists Say "Death Cat" is Real

Cat predicts Death?Real or Mystery? Scientists say its REAL and they are now convinced about animals’ “sixth sense” though their explanations could always be more logical than paranormal. In fact, Dr. David M. Dosa, MD, MPH, a geriatrician who cares for patients at the nursing home, Providence, Rhode Island wrote an essay about Oscar, the…