Titanium Like Object Fell
Isabela or Cagayan Provinces
April 23, 2001
Witnesses reported that a Titanium LIke object fell. There was a UFO that fell from the sky. It was somewhere in the Northern part (Isabela or Cagayan provinces) of the Philippines. They said that it was like a huge round ball made of titanium-like material, which initial witnesses say contained some sort of Russian letters but, found out that those characters were nothing similar to our world.
They say that it was in the hands of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and NBI (National Bureau of Investigation- Philippines sort of like the FBI in the US) and forwarded to the US government for further investigation and analysis. We never heard anything about it then. I am curious as to what happened and what did they do to that object they found. I wish I had that news clipping with me. I tried to call the NBI office for follow up and verification and of course they denied of such incident happens.
OFUsNW Investigator’s Noted this is the second report that he received in the past 10 days pertaining to crashed UFOs in the Philippines. At this time it is unclear in whether or not he is dealing with “tabloid” material or if UFOs did really crash. If more witnesses come forward with more information, then perhaps a more definitive conclusion can be reached.
UFO Crash in Palawan
April 23, 2001
Time of Occurrence: 8 PM Local TimeDate
A woman witness reported this incident. The UFO investigator said this case is somewhat doubtful in that the witness did not supply any details. He has been unable to contact her for further information.
It is interesting that she put a specific date on an event that happened nearly 4 years ago. She claims that the Philippines military recovered a UFO. Investigator Noted that without more information this case cannot be investigated. If the witness answers any of my inquiries, I will post on this site.