What If Extraterrestrials Attack Earth? Are We Prepared?

If we base our answers with present technology and weaponry of human beings, I presume we don’t have enough capability to fight back against hostile Extraterrestrial beings.

I raised the question “if the malevolent ETs attack planet Earth, are we (humans) prepared to face them,” just to stimulate your mind what could be the possible scenarios if we see those giant ships in our atmosphere.

There is a report saying that there are three giant alien ships heading earth and the EDA (expected day of arrival) will be on November 27, 2011 (though the details of the information is not consistent).

The alleged “threat” on Earth is also based on the recent rising numbers of UFO sightings and Extraterrestrial encounters both in awake and in dream state.

In a report published by Weekly World News, John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI was quoted, “Three giant spaceships are heading toward Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter.  Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by the fall of  2011.”

The spaceships were detected by HAARP search system. The system, based in Alaska, was designed to study the phenomenon of northern lights. According to SETI researchers, the objects are extraterrestrial spaceships. They will be visible in optical telescopes as soon as they reach Mars’s orbit – sometime in  November of 2011. The US government has been reportedly informed about the event.

SETI researchers have spent fifty years monitoring space.  Dr. Malley said that they have conclusively proven that “we are just newcomers in this huge and unexplored world. Many believe that there are many other civilizations in space besides our own civilization.”

Wikileaks recently released many classified documents that prove that NASA and high-level U.S. official are aware of the three spaceships and are making plans to battle the spaceships.  They have been concealing information from the U.S. public for decades. Wikileaks also confirms that the UFO sightings over the last three months prove that the alien invasions (long predicted by SETI) has begun. The three spaceships will mark the official beginning of the alien invasion.

If this is true, I presume the benevolent ETs will do whatever means to counter such threat to planet Earth. I believe they maintain a unified stand that they won’t allow an invasion and enslave human beings.

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