Are ET Beings Real? If so..Why Can’t We See Them?

People keep asking if Extra-Terrestrials or ET beings real or not?

I normally answer such question with another question. Do you really want to know if they’re real or not? Now if the answer is yes, then we can proceed and let’s explore the world of the ETs also known as aliens. 

The ETs I know are non-physical beings. They vibrate at another energy level or dimension. Definitely, they cannot be seen by most of us, only those clarivoyants (psychics or gifted people who can see spirits or nonphysical beings) or ET contacts can see or hear them.

Though there were instances that ETs can communicate using our modern day communication equipment (phones, radio receivers) and even television with antennas. But people who are known as ‘channels’ can connect with ETs telepathically or in trance state.

I can categorically state here that ETs are around us, living among us, roaming among us, so I don’t think there’s a need to send astronauts into outer space to make ET contacts. They are already here since the ancient times if we also consider those artifacts, ancient writings, mysterious places and other evidences as featured in alien encounters documentaries such as ancient aliens tv series.

The only thing we should do to make contacts with them is we learn to tune in to their frequencies thru telepathy, and channeling though others can even hear their voices. How can we achieve this? I think meditation is the first step to train (tame) our mind. Thru meditation, we can clear or ‘declutter’ our mind from useless thoughts.