Parallel Universe or Multiverse, Fiction or Fact?

Do you believe there is another Earth and another “us” in another Universe? Parallel Universe? Multiverse?

What if the theories about parallel Earth, parallel Universe, or Multi-verse are REAL? What will you do?

Most people still consider this idea as fiction or baseless, but a group of scientists from Oxford University declared that Parallel Universe is REAL based on mathematical computation.

Oxford scientists led by DMULTIVERSE LEVELDavid Deutsch, revealed that the universe is dividing into similar versions of itself. He added that it can help explicate the nature of quantum results.

Parallel universe theory was first proposed by an American physicist, Hugh Everett. The theory attempts to solve many of the mysteries of quantum mechanics. Everett claimed that the university splits off, every time a new physical opportunity is explored.  There is a possible alternative outcome in the alternate universe for each event occurred in our own universe.

For the first time, the Oxford scientists offer a mathematical answer to this controversial theory. This research shows that Dr Hugh Everett was on the correct track, when he publicized his multiverse theory. Many experts believe that this research study is one of the most important developments in the history of science. It opens up new doors to past life regression therapies, which in turn can help individuals to solve uncorrectable problems in their life.

Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michiu Kaku has a very clear explanation about Parallel Universe saying that Multiverse has 11 dimensions.

Dr. Kaku says “we believe, though we cannot yet prove, that our multiverse of universes is 11-dimensional. So think of this 11-dimensional arena and in this arena there are bubbles, bubbles that float and the skin of the bubble represents an entire universe, so we’re like flies trapped on fly paper.  We’re on the skin of a bubble.  It’s a three dimensional bubble.  The three dimensional bubble is expanding and that is called the Big Bang theory and sometimes these bubbles can bump into each other, sometimes they can split apart and that we think is the Big Bang. So we even have a theory of the Big Bang itself.  Now you ask a question what about the dimensions of each bubble.”

Experts around the world have many things to say about Parallel Universe or Multiverse. They say the Universe has many level.

History Channel features a documentary about many theories about Parallel Universe and Multiverse.