The 11:11 Meditation (A Daily Habit)

Most people now are aware of the 11:11 phenomena though many are still asking what could be the meaning of that double 11 numbers.

The interpretation of the 11:11 varies from one person to another, from one experience to the other because we have different consciousness though of course there are people who have common idea about the 11:11 manifestations.

If you ask me about it, I would interpret the 11:11 as an alarm system, a wake-up call, awakening, reminder of something to be done and to be aware of other realities, opening of the psychic gates anywhere on the planet and I think one of the meanings could be a habit of “meditation every 11:11th hour of the day” – either you do it 11:11 in the morning or 11:11 in the evening.

I started the 11:11 meditation1111 cross few days ago and keep doing it before the Year 2011 ends up eventually to welcome the Year 2012 and continue doing the meditation every 11:11th hour (2311hours) in the evening.

This blog is posted to encourage everyone to do the same not only for personal benefits, also for everyone else in this plane of existence and even in the spirit world. The main focus of the meditation should be the healing of the planet Earth and visualizing harmony, peace and order in the whole Universe.

In my 11:11 Meditation, I’m doing it in 20-minutes though if you want more time for your meditation it is all up to you especially if you can’t easily enter into the Alpha level or trance state.

To those first timers in meditation practice, I strongly suggest you listen to any Guided Meditation technique that fits your understanding and application, so that you can focus on whatever purpose you want. There are available guided meditation music in the net or in the record bars.

Just to give you an idea on how the 11:11 Meditation works, maybe you can follow this (my technique), maybe you can modify or do your own style but make sure to start at 11:11 either morning or evenin11112013g, to share your thoughts and energies to the Collective Consciousness.

Though meditation can be done anytime of the day but I suggest do it at 11:11 because of its Mystical Connection to Higher Dimensions.

In the first 5 minutes, you can invoke the Divine Light to cleanse and heal yourself. You can do it with your own prayer, intention, wish and visualize a very bright tunnel of light slowly descending to the top of your head while doing the deep breathing technique (inhale with your nostrils and exhale with your mouth). Feel the Cosmic Energy cleansing your body and your soul, let the Heavenly Light heal every cell of your body outer and inner parts and freeing yourself from polluted energies. Experience the happiness within in the cleansing process and let the Light build your shield  and see it shining outward to your desired distance from your body, seeing yourself inside a big ball of protective light or you can also see yourself inside a diamond-shaped light. If this visualization goes beyond 5 minutes its ok, the most important is you did it and you experienced it.

The next 5 minutes is for the visualization of your personal goals in the future beyond 2012. You can see yourself driving a car (brand new car) or living in your dream house. Don’t analyze what you see just experience it, let it happen in your mind (in the astral world) because you are creating that reality to manifest. Don’t let doubts destroy your visualization or else you loose the image of your goal. Other people visualize they are sitting on a bed of money (pesos, dollars, pounds) or they could see it is raining of money. You can also see members of your family enjoying the good life, and they are also experiencing the fruit of your success.

Another 5 minutes in my 20-minute meditation is intended for the lost souls roaming around on this plane of existence. You may invoke the Heavenly Light to beam down anywhere on this planet and tell all souls to ascend. You can also call on the Angelic Beings to descend and give assistance, guidance to lost souls so that they can cross over to the higher levels of consciousness.

Finally, the last 5 minutes should be dedicated for the HEALING of the Planet Earth. In meditation, make your wish or request to the Most High Supreme Being to send forth the Healing Energies of the Heavens. You can visualize a very bright TUNNEL OF LIGHT cleansing/healing the whole planet including all living organisms and nature beings.

Express your heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgement to all Beings assisted you during your 20-minutes meditation. You may say “thank you God, the Supreme Being, the Most High, to all Divine Beings, Universal Guardians, Archangels, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Nature Spirits and even Extraterrestrial Beings for the success of this Cleansing, Visualizing and Healing Meditation.” Talk to them telepathically or verbally, but i prefer to say it verbally to affirm everything I visualizes and eventually manifests.

I suggest you meditate with the aide of a meditation music (you may consider a guided meditation music) that fits your vibration and easily connect to your Higher Self.

Make this a habit. Meditate daily. Meditation heals, energizes and manifests things. Believe!